On January 23, 2023, Open Sky Productions wowed the crowd at CES in Las Vegas, Nevada, with the Kyocera drone light show. The show was a seamless blend of technology and artistic choreography, resulting in a perfect mix of entertainment and innovation. The dancing...
In March 2023, Open Sky Productions stunned a crowd in Eagleview Dallas, Texas, with a one-of-a-kind drone light show. This show created a genuinely magical entertainment experience by combining futuristic technology and expert artistic choreography. The audience was...
The world of entertainment has been rapidly changing and evolving. As we become more conscious of our environment and the impact of various activities, a new form of entertainment has emerged – drone light shows. These fascinating and eco-friendly displays have...
Innovations like crewless aerial vehicles or drones can create beautiful, captivating moments. In a world of ever-changing and advancing technology, Open Sky Productions recently showcased a stunning drone light show above the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. The...
The Illuminate-Light Art+Tech Fest in Salt Lake City, Utah, was a fantastic event in 2022. Everyone who attended was jaw-droppingly stunned at the drone light show produced by Open Sky Productions. It illuminated and transfixed the night sky with vibrant color...
If you missed the recent Mercato Partners Auto Show, then fear not! We are here to provide all the details on the Open Sky Productions’ private drone light show for the event. With sweeping, vibrant colors intertwined with intricate patterns, this performance...